Linkek a témában:
The Miracles of Jesus Christ
Now some people ask, "How can I know God has spoken?"
Just read His word and I'm not jokin.
Raising the dead and healing the blind.
Oh, there's lots of proofs, you'll find.
In the presence of thousands, both friend and foe.
things not done in secret, don't you know.
For when God speaks His word, He understands
we need proof it's His and not man's.
The nature of Jesus' miracles
Jesus said, "…for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins" (Jn. 8: 24). How do we know Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God? (Matt. 16: 13, 14-17.) Beloved, one way to establish Jesus' Sonship (his deity) is by the miracles Jesus performed. One common word translated miracle (dunamis) is the source for our English word dynamite. Hence, a miracle is dynamic, we would say in English.
Történetek a Bibliából: Jézus csodái Dvd
William Hanna és Joseph Barbera bibliai meséi gyerekeknek.
A naimi özvegy fia, akit Jézus támasztott fel halottaiból, végigvezet az úton, amelyen maga a Megváltó is járt, és közben felidézi Krisztus csodatevéseit. A kánai menyegző, ahol a víz borrá vált, a százados szolgájának meggyógyítása, a vihar lecsendesítése, a kenyérszaporítás, a vízen járás mind-mind megelevenednek ebben a lebilincselő rajzfilmben.
Some of Jesus' miracles incorporated the natural. Jesus' birth was miraculous in that he was born of a virgin. However, the development and birth by his mother Mary was natural (Matt. 1: 20, 23). In this study, though, we shall basically be using the term miracle in its simple usage of '…works of a supernatural origin and character, such as could not be produced by natural agents and means'